Partnering with Pediatric Potential


Pediatric Potential collaborations are individualized to support our partners' growth potential. Our services aim to redefine the healthcare experience for pediatric patients and their families.

Research has shown a positive impact through increased patient and family satisfaction scores, improved short and long term child coping and health outcomes, a reduction of hospital operational costs, increased healthcare provider morale, enhanced community engagement, and Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS).


Our services foster new resources and sustainable support systems for our partner hospitals, clinics, and NGOs globally, enabling them to enhance protective frameworks and strengthen healthcare experiences for the hospitalized children and families in their care. We are one of the only organizations working to ensure the fulfillment of children’s rights and child-friendly healthcare practices globally.

8 Countries

10 Languages

The diversity of our multidisciplinary team of experts, which collectively live in 8 countries and speak 10 languages, reflects our international approach to enhancing access to knowledge regarding developmentally appropriate best-practices, resources, services, and training related to pediatric psychosocial care and a rights-based approach to pediatrics for all children, no matter where in the world they encounter a healthcare experience.

Clinical Supervision

Enhancement of sustainable pediatric psychosocial service via individual and/or group clinical supervision.

Program Development /Evaluation

Support the development of psychosocial programs and collaboratively identify the strengths of existing programs to enhance child-friendly engagement utilizing the Pediatric Patient's Hierarchy of Developmental Needs (PPHDN)© as a framework.


Support and facilitate research to positively impact the provision of pediatric psychosocial care within an organization.

Environmental Design Consultation

Promote the development of child-friendly healthcare environments.

Staff Education /

Facilitate skill development for healthcare team members regarding child-friendly practice and non-pharmaceutical pain management.


Collaborate to create subject-centered, learner-centered, or problem-centered curriculum to promote pediatric psychosocial care.


© 2024. Pediatric Potential Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) and supporter of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. All Rights Reserved.